
What is Venturing?  Venturing is a program of Scouting America that allows young people to test their limits, meet new friends, and make a difference. 

We call the youth members our “Crew”, and they’re in charge of creating the annual program, full of whatever adventures, fun and challenges they desire. The Crew decides what they want to do, either focused on a specific area—such as camping or service projects—or doing a variety of activities.

What can you do in Venturing?  Anything you want!  The Crew brainstorms ideas, decides on what they want to do and then does all the planning (with adult advisors there to guide the youth and make sure everyone’s safe).

Here’s a short list of things the Crew might do (just a sampling!):

Venturing Crew 77 is (and other Scouting units are) chartered by the United Methodist Men's Fellowship of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church.

Join us!
